I am currently working on a 2D game which will basically be a clone of the first Legend of Zelda game. Our game will count with a world that the player will be able to explore. There will be multiple types of monsters and items that the player will need to collect.
Along those lines, the player will also be able to explore dungeons that they will require to complete in order to obtain special items! Recently I have been posting updates on the progress for a random dungeon generator, which will be the one that me and my team will be using to generate the dungeons in our game.
There will be at least 8 types of enemies, including bosses, which will have unique behaviours when approaching the player.
At the end of this week, we need to present some of the gameplay elements working. The 2D game is a project for my mobile course, at the same time we also need to develop a 3D version which will contain the same elements by the end of this week. We are taking a data driven approach when coding the scripts for the game. This means that we will potentially use the same components for both versions of the game, which will minimize the amount of work that we need to do.
Here are two screenshots of both games:
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