Hello guys, in my last post I shared a couple of ideas for a game that could be done as my capstone project. I have been playing around with the concept of the game and finally arrived to a conclusion of the genre, mechanics and main objective in the game.
My Objective
The main objective of my idea is to introduce the history of Mesoamerican mythologies through the game. I believe that this has not been presented through the game industry that much (I have only seen it on Age of Empires 2), so I believe that it would be something appealing to many people.
About the Game
Legends of Mesoamerica will be a first-person explorer game. It is the year 1520 and the invasion ofSpain in Meso-america has just begun. You will play as a Spanish expeditionist in the search of the amulets of the gods found in Mayan and Aztec temples. The player will need to make it through obstacles and lives within each temple in order to find the amulets. The gods have also unleashed beasts that are only found in the mythologies of both cultures, and you will need to defend yourself from them. The player will not count with any type of weaponry, so you will have to make use of the environment around you in order to stay alive. For instance, traps designed for intruders could be used against these creatures. At the same time, the expeditionist keeps a dairy where he records all of his findings in each temple. The journal will count with entries of objects and beasts that you encounter in each temple. Also, in each temple there will be relics the player will be able to collect, each relic will tell the player more about the story of the temple and its people.
Potential Cities in the Game
The Aztec and Mayan civilizations lived in areas from Mexico to Costa Rica. However, because of the limited time that we have (4 months), the game would only introduce the main temple from the following cities:
(click in each of the images to go to the source 🙂 )
Aztec Civilization

Mayan Civilization

Potential Mythical Creatures
I have done some research and found some of the mythological beasts from the Aztec and Mayan civilization:

I will be presented my idea in about one week. From there we will form groups so we will see if people are interested in this idea. I believe this idea could potentially evolve into something of its own genre and I’m looking forward to see that happening 🙂
I will keep any updates on the matter! 🙂
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