Multi-Component Vehicle Model: Textures and Rendering

Hi everyone! For this post I want to present the final version of my medieval flying boat. I found textures online from multiple sites. I started looking for a wood texture which I found in the following website: . This guys has pretty cool stuff that you should check out too! 🙂 I also needed…

Multi-component Vehicle Model: Covers and putting it together

Hi all! Today I will be talking about one of the final steps I took before putting all the parts of my ship together. From my design sketches, the ship had some coverage on the top. One solid cover that would be made out of metal that would cover the middle part of the ship…

Multi-Component Vehicle Model: Modeling the wings

Hi all, Today I wanna talk about the progress I have made for my medieval boat. After finishing the boat model, I decided to get the small parts modeled for the wings and other details. Creating Small Elements I started by modeling two types of gears that will extend the wings and tail that will…

Simple Asteroids game in OpenGL: Programming Lasers

After finishing the integration of the asteroids into the program, I went to add the lasers for my spaceship. By this time I had added the spaceship to the game, but I rather keep things together so I will be talking about everything about the spaceship on my next post. The first thing I had…

Simple Asteroids game in OpenGL: Programming the Asteroids!

The first thing I tackled were the asteroids because I thought they would be the easiest element to animate. I created a class that contained elements I would need in order to “create” the asteroids properly. The next step was to add a vector of Asteroids into the game. The game class was already provided…