Hello everyone,
I hope that you all had good holidays. I thought that it would be cool to show everyone some of the work I did in the past year!
I am a big Zelda fan so during the summer I thought it would be a good idea to get my hands on Unity and recreate a couple of places from Ocarina Of Time! At the same time I created a model of Link, the Hylian Shield and the Master Sword. I created these in 3Ds Max to practice a bit more my 3D modeling skills 🙂

Lon Lon Ranch
I recreated Lon Lon Ranch in Unity! This game me a better idea on how Unity could be used to create small sections of a big world like in Ocarina of Time. I enjoyed every minute of it!

Hyrule Castle
I decided to recreate the Hyrule Castle model from Twilight Princess. I believe this gave me a better idea on how to create buildings using multiple parts since things might get a little messy if they are created as one piece. I created the model in 3DS Max and then I imported it into Unity3D. It also allowed me to experiment a bit more with textures and the tools that Unity provides to create environments 🙂
Last but not least this is my first 3D work. I created it using Cinema4D which I believe it’s a great program to create 3D animations. It is from a couple of years ago, but this is where everything began! 🙂
If you would like to see a bit more of my work you can go to my deviant art account. CLICK HERE TO DEVIANT ART!
My second term in the games development program is about to start and I am excited!!!! I will be posting more about the projects I will be working then and also about two game ideas I got during the break! This is all for now!! 🙂
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